Friday, June 11, 2010


Well, I've reactivated my facebook, for now :). At least I have a bit of self control now =P so I can just deactivate it anytime without feeling any regret =S. Well this term has been ummm, interesting. Turns out my grades are actually alright, nothing to boast about tho. Ok Im going to go make myself some breakfast and continue this post a bit later today. :)
Later that day...
!!!! ITS 5 O CLOCK ALREADY... and I haven't done anything. Great. This is great. lol Ive been almost in bed the whole day watching youtube... No wonder Im getting fatter lol... =="
Im going to buy my food needed on Monday for group 4 experiments tomorrow... >_>
Hmmm Nothing interesting has happened today... so yeah =S
Oh well


  1. :] congrats on alright results anyway~ and woah EARTH :D

  2. Haha yeah, my old recycling one was indeed dizzying.. Alright results can get me to Melbourne university ^^
